ICF World Ranking Race Praha - Slalom

  • 106  02.08.2024 Friday, ICF WorldRanking Race Praha, startovné: mládež 1100,-   dospělí 1100,-
General info about the team.
country is not selected
team name
team name is empty (min. 3 characters)
team leader
teamleder's name is empty (min.5 characters)
contact person
contact person's name is empty (min.5 characters)
contact e-mail
incorrect e-mail address
phone number The organizer assumes the use of SMS service for eventual urgent information of team managers. If you are interested in using this service (it is free for you), fill in the contact phone number, including country code in format +999999999999. The organizer does not see the phone numbers, they are hidden in the system.
Notes to the whole entry
Entries are possible for athletes born from 2009 and older1923-2009
Select boat category: C1M1|1|0|0|0 1|0|1|0|0 1|1|0|0|0 1|0|1|0|0 0
New entry row:
boat cat.surnamefirst nameyear of born
fill in surname
fill in first name
Entering boats list: